Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Amazing Race 12 Afterthoughts Episode 8

Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts

This is the point in The Amazing Race where we start to see what the teams are made of. Some handle stress relatively well, and some don't handle it well at all. They are all individual people and I expect them to have disagreements, but some of the teams take disagreements to a new level.

Take Nathan and Jen. I have to think that they are not bad people out of the Race atmosphere. They've been friendly with a couple of teams that must have seen something in them. What amuses me is that they brag about being competitive athletes and being in pressure situations and say that this is an edge for them. I've not seen it yet. Nate has been pretty laid back, but Jen? Whew ...

Read the rest of my thoughts on this episode at BuddyTV

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