Friday, August 7, 2009

BB11: Is This the End For Russell?

Hey y'all, a new week, a new Head of Household and a new power should mean a very interesting week in the Big Brother 11 house. Of course a member of Team Jesse has won HoH once again, but the Coup D'Etat may or may not shake things up. As the weeks go on, we learn more and more about the houseguests and, at least I do, get somewhat attached to some of them.

Russell has been a big disappointment to me. I called him a meathead at first, then I began to like him. I'm really into MMA, and I enjoy getting to know the fighters through UFC's version of the Big Brother house called The Ultimate Fighter. Russell didn't seem to be the typical MMA fighter, though. He seemed to be intelligent and able to move from group to group well. Maybe it was too many smacks and kicks upside the head, but he freaking lost his mind. It's like Dr. Jeckyl/ Mr. Hyde with this guy. He's so big and imposing, that his outbursts can inspire fear. This guy was sitting pretty in the game, but he blew it with his perhaps fake outbursts on Ronnie and Chima. And he ruined what could have been a very good alliance with Michele when he went off on her and told her business. What's wrong with this guy?

Last week, he'd made an alliance of sorts with Jeff and Jordan, but managed to ruin that, with his flaky behavior. He had Chima in the palm of his hand, or could have, but he screwed that up too. His running off at the mouth about Chima to the wrong people might spell his doom. Ms. Chima has the Head of Household this week. Instead of sitting pretty with his lady in power, he's in big danger. She wants him out. Because he abused Jeff's trust, Jeff may not save him with his Coup D'Etat power. He's burnt bridges all over the house and I don't see anyone that he would survive against in a vote and I don't see anyone that would save him.

Will Russell go from Head of Household with a supposed easy week to evictee in fourteen short days? It sure is possible, and wouldn't really surprise me. But the way things go in the Big Brother house, anything can happen between now and next Thursday. I sure hope y'all have the live feeds because if you don't, you're missing a whole lot. So what do you think? How can Russell save his game ... or can he?

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