Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Brother 10: Finale Thoughts

Hey y'all. Last night was the Big Brother 10 finale, and I miss it already. I missed Big Brother After Dark last night. Although the last couple of nights have been boring with only Dan and Memphis in the house, it was still pleasant ... you know? This finale was the first one in a while where I didn't have to hold my nose and watch. Either of them would have been fine winning for me. I didn't like the way they did everything, but both played the game and for the most part they played clean.

CBS wastes too much time on recaps at the beginning of each episode. The finale wasn't as bad as last Thursday's show, however. They only recapped once, in color, and not twice, once in color and the other in black and white/sepia tones. And then we got to see the jury waiting for the final jury member. Some of them were still bitter, and it was still funny.

Keesha wasn't the most bitter of the crew, surprisingly, but she still wanted Memphis to be the final juror. Libra wanted it to be Jerry, because he wasn't the 'gingerly old man you thought he was'. Renny didn't want it to be Jerry, because she didn't want to spend any more time with him. Renny must have been off her meds again, because last night she was back to the wacky ole woman she was at the beginning.

It was funny and kind of sad when Jerry appeared. No one got up to hug him or show him any affection. I guess since they didn't need him anymore, they didn't have to be nice. He wasn't bitter at all as he told them what happened after Keesha left and then they started talking about the final 2 before the jury questioning.

Renny really kind of turned me off last night. From her bitterness in the jury house, to her curtsey and camera hogging at the live show, she made me look at her in a different manner. I always knew there was more to her than she showed in the house. I pegged her as a phony, but wow.

Michelle, on the other hand, was actually kind of impressive. Yes, she was still bitter, but I ignore that, haha. She was not fooled by Dan's offer of the trip and took pleasure in letting both Jerry and Memphis know about it. I was also laughing when she called Dan out during the jury questioning. On the trip he told her that it wasn't just him, that it was his alliance that set her up for the backdoor, but he quickly backed down when Michelle asked him about it in front of his alliance. That was about the only time Dan wasn't totally confident.

Dan, basically, had them eating out of his hand by the end of the questioning. His final plea was like the pep talks he gave the girls at that one endurance challenge. Memphis, though, didn't do himself any favors. He never really answered any of the questions, and kind of seemed very insincere. Dan was a pro and Memphis suffered for it. He was totally outplayed here.

Back at the live portion of the show, when the jurors cast their votes, most of them were very classy. And then there was Renny. She had to get more camera time and she went on and on about something ... I don't know what, I tuned her out, but she basically told us that she voted for Dan. Jerry mumbled something about voting for the person that was nice to him (huh?) and that he'd explain later.

In theory, I like the portion of the show where Julie Chen brings back the evicted houseguests that didn't make the jury. In practice, though, it seems that every season only one or two get to talk and the others are ignored. That pretty much happened this year, too. As usual, Brian took over. I guess he appointed himself spokesperson for the entire group and proceded to lecture and analyze the play of the jury members. I liked him when I interviewed him, but his 15 minutes are up. Steven just sat there and nodded his head in agreement with everything Brian said, similar to the chat last week. I don't remember Angie saying a word and Jessie was Jessie.

Actually it was pretty funny when Julie told them about Dan being America's player for a week and America targeting Jessie for everything. Jessie really wasn't happy about it and told America what they could do. Good thing Julie didn't say anything about it until after the votes were cast, because there may have been some changes.

When the votes were finally shown, I was surprised. It ended up going 7-0 for Dan. The jury members decided that Dan played the better game, or they were still under the spell of his pep talk. While that didn't bother me at all, America's Favorite Juror did. I didn't vote, but if I had, I definitely would not have voted for Keesha. I've already told y'all how I feel about females that call other females the C word. From my wanderings on the web, Keesha ought to thank April for this money. I don't know how many times I saw where someone posted that they voted 50 bazillion times for Keesha to win just so that they could see April's bitter beer face. Well, Keesha won the cash, and the voters got scammed. April was very ladylike and gracious when she congratulated Keesha.

All in all, it was a decent finale. I wish we could have a show like 'After the Rose'. Come back in a couple of weeks after the jurors have been home and told what really went on in the house. Wonder how they'd act then. I'm sure we'll get some inkling as the post-show interviews and chats start happening. What did y'all think of the show? Were you pleased with the outcome? Comment below.

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