Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Brother 10: Who's Gonna Take It All?

It seems to me as if this season of Big Brother has gone by very quickly. I've really enjoyed it. The cast and the lack of 'twists' have, for the most part, redeemed the season for me. I admit that I was burnt out and disillusioned after Big Brother 7, 8, and 9. I began the season cautiously optimistic after reading the cast bios and watching the interviews with Diane Henry of Big Brother 5. Although it didn't live up to the hype, the season did keep my interest and the winner will not be the lesser of two evils.

Dan, for me, was the most surprising. After reading his bio on the CBS website, I knew that I wasn't going to like him. I had him pegged as a closed minded, holier-than-thou jerk. I was pleasantly surprised by his demeanor. His goodbye message to Steven was another eye opener, and watching him listen to people was interesting. Yes, I know that much of it may have been strategy, but Steven wasn't on the jury, so that wouldn't have helped him.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't put him on a pedastal or anything like that. I totally disliked the veto roulette game he played and I didn't care for his mind games. It seemed that he played this game head and shoulders more intelligently than the others. At the beginning, he was dead man walking because of his alliance with Brian.

Have you noticed that on each of the past two seasons, someone involved with a dead alliance has made it to the end? Zach in BB8 was the last of the Mrs. Robinson alliance, and Ryan was targeted last season because of his relationship with Jen. Will this be the year that the doomed alliance member wins it all?

Memphis has played a very different game than Dan. He, too, was targeted early. Brian, correctly as it turned out, felt that Memphis was a big threat to win it all. In my interview with Brian earlier this season, he predicted a Memphis win. Each time Memphis was targeted early in the game, someone else appeared on the scene to take his place. First it was Brian and then Jessie showed his behind.

Memphis made a couple of really beneficial alliances that managed to save him and allow him to keep his hands clean. Keesha really went to bat for him. I know that a lot of fans are really ticked off at Memphis because of him evicting Keesha, but I honestly think that it was the best move for him. It could have been handled a little better, but it was the best move. Keesha would have been stronger in the final 3 Head of Household competition than Jerry, and I think that if she'd won she would have taken Dan. And although Dan is all Renegade power now, I have my doubts that he'd have taken Memphis to the Final 2.

So who will it be? Dan, the master manipulator, or Memphis, the laid back UTR player? After the jury questioning, I still have doubts, and it seems that they do, too. Both guys came back feeling both confidence and doubt. It seems that the jury didn't give them any clues. I guess the main confusion was coming from Keesha, April and Ollie. It seems as though Keesha has realized that Dan was just as responsible for her eviction as Memphis was. Ollie is probably still angry at Dan about breaking his word, but he's disliked Memphis for the longest time.

My initial thoughts were that Dan would have Keesha, Renny and maybe Libra. I wasn't sure about Michelle because she seemed to realize that the outing was simply a way to work her for her vote, but did it work? And I thought that Memphis would have Jerry, April and maybe Ollie. We'll see how it all works out Tuesday night. Who is your pick to take it all and win Big Brother 10?

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