Friday, August 29, 2008

Big Brother 10: It Might Not Be Such a Predictable Weekend After All

I thought tonight's Big Brother 10 was boring and predictable. The alliance of Renny, Keesha, Dan and Memphis run roughshod over the rest of the house and emerge as America's favorites to make up for the disappointment of Big Brother 6. Saw it coming a mile away. My sister called me earlier and predicted that the last question of the Head of Household competition would be wonky, cause a tie and that one of the four would win the tiebreaker, similar to last season when Sharon got screwed out of her HoH. Well, my sis called it.

So when the feeds came back on, I figured they'd give Keesha one night in the HoH room and I'd have an early night. I definitely was not going to stay up and listen to another night of Dan and Memphis gloating about how they have this thing won. And I didn't want to listen to Jerry drone on and them listen and then when he left bash him. But wait, the live feeds went to bubbles and stayed there, so I figured they were having the second Head of Household competition of the evening.

Big Brother After Dark came on before the feeds came back on and lo and behold, the HoH key was around Jerry's neck. Ha! I really don't like Jerry, but I love it when the majority's plan gets a kink in it. Now they have to pretend to listen to him at least until Monday. Dan and Memphis' faces went from gloating to worried in a matter of an hour or so.

While it will be boring on the feeds until Jerry goes to bed, night time will be interesting. Once nominations are made, the alliance will turn on each other. That's always good for a few laughs. It'll even be amusing to make my rounds of message boards and read the posts of mourning for their favorite final four in a long time. Evil, aren't I? That's one of the perks of not having a favorite in the house.

Who will Jerry nominate? Which alliance member will turn first? Memphis is already kissing up to Keesha. Keesha is playing nice to Jerry as is Renny, hoping that he'll put the boys up. It'll be an interesting night and day tomorrow in the Big Brother 10 house. Post your thoughts below.

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