Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Brother 10: Good TV?

What is 'Good TV'? That is so subjective, yet it seems to be so important to some reality tv contestants. They try to manufacture situations that they believe will enthrall and entertain the viewing audience. Personally, if I wanted manufactured situations, I'd watch scripted television with real actors. And it's even more annoying to sit and watch them gloat about their plans all weekend.

Now I dislike Dan less than most of the remaining houseguests ... well actually all of the remaining houseguests ... but his Head of Household reign has been an eye rolling experience for me. While it's been somewhat amusing to see Renny stuck to his behind after all her talk of distrust last week, his plan to manufacture drama at the Power of Veto meeting wasn't amusing in the least.

He made a stupid deal with Ollie while enduring the HoH competition. It was a very stupid deal and it was all his own idea. It was so unnecessary. But to spend the first 40 something days talking about how he's so concerned over his image and how he carries himself in the house and the past few days gloating about how he was going to reel Ollie in and then go back on his word was very hypocritical.

I know Big Brother is a game of lying and deceit, and it doesn't bother me. What bothered me was Dan's behavior with his little friends in the Head of Household room. That room really seems to go to their heads. Why don't they remember it's only for one week? If he was supposed to be such a good guy, and it was important to him to be the good guy, why play that way? Why make the deal? Why affirm to Ollie right before that you were keeping the deal? Why tell your allies that you were going to blindside him at the meeting for 'good tv'? Was that necessary?

Well, Dan, you got your betrayal. It didn't work out totally the way you planned it, though, did it? Between your stupid making of the deal and the stupid way you broke the deal, you may have just cost yourself the game. Last week, you were a front runner to take it all. Right now you are cowering in your little room. Right now you are pathetically seeking approval from Renny. Right now you can pretty much kiss off four jury votes if you happen to make it that far.

Yes, you may have engineered some drama in the Power of Veto meeting, I guess we'll see on Tuesday, but more drama happened after the meeting. Old Ollie really showed his behind. He was cussing, calling names, and throwing things. Yeah, he had a big ole temper tantrum. In fact, I was wondering if he would get kicked out of the house. I guess since he wasn't throwing things at or around people, it was okay.

I have no love for Ollie, and feel no sorrow for him at all. I just hate that Dan may have ruined his game, his shot at $500,000, just to make 'good tv'. So, after the Good TV put on for us by Dan, the nominees are Jerry and Michelle. Michelle is gone, but Dan's allies are laughing and joking about taking Jerry's money for their votes, even though they have no intention of voting him out. This may be an interesting week in the Big Brother 10 house. But hey, Dan, hope it was worth it.

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