Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thirty Six Hours of Chaos in the Big Brother 10 House

Wow! It's been a wild and woolly 36 hours in the Big Brother 10 house. April won the endurance Head of Household competition after promising Michelle to keep her and Jessie safe. It was pretty much a given that Memphis would be nominated, but the question was who else would April put on the block.

Since she'd promised safety to Jessie and Michelle, Memphis was the only one not in her alliance. I guess I figured she'd put up either Jerry or Dan, since they weren't core members. April, though, rationalized that she only promised safety, not freedom from nomination. She was determined not to put Michelle up out of respect for her showing in the competition, so Jessie it was.

April brought Michelle up to her room to explain herself before the nomination ceremony, and assured her that Jessie would be safe. When Michelle explained it to Jessie, he somehow got the impression that now he and Michelle were in an alliance with April and Ollie. That mistaken impression caused all sorts of discontent last night.

The nomination ceremony went on as planned. It lasted longer that I expected, but when it was over Memphis and Jessie were on the block. Keesha is trying to work it to keep Memphis. I knew last week that there was something going on there. I thought that part of her reason to get rid of Angie was because she was jealous of the relationship between them. So this is going to cause a little discontent in the alliance of 7.

The houseguests also learned that the Power of Veto competition would also be held that day, or actually late that night. I'm mad that they schedule these things for right after Big Brother After Dark, but it is what it is. Libra, Jerry and Michelle were chosen to compete in the PoV in addition to April, Memphis and Jessie. In the hours before the competition, and right in time for BBAD, all hell broke loose.

Libra felt like her alliance members were disrespecting her competitiveness when they had a discussion on the PoV. She got her feelings hurt and left the room in a huff. Keesha followed to make sure she was okay and they went into their bedroom. Libra used the opportunity to vent. I swear this woman must be going through Postpartum hormonal issues or something because her mood swings are furious.

Anyway, helpful Jessie overheard some of the ranting and he immediately beat feet up to the Head of Household room to tattle to April that Libra and Keesha were bad mouthing her. April was already feeling put upon by all the stress of the day, and also finding out that Ollie said that Angie was gorgeous (yeah, her jealous monster came out over that), so she went off. She approached Libra and Keesha in the absolute wrong way and it was on.

April and Libra were screaming at each other, April dismissed Keesha telling her that she'd deal with her later. Of course, that set Keesha off and she went into the kitchen and ranted about April to Renny, Michelle, Ollie and whoever else was in there. Somehow or another Jerry and Renny got involved in that mess. Jerry told Libra to shut up, Renny went off on Jerry for daring to say that. The girls are screaming at each other.

In another room, Jessie is doing a little dance of joy and Dan is trying to play invisible man. He's is so under the radar right now that he may as well not be there. After all was said and done, the girls have put their fragile alliance back together and blame Jessie for the drama. This is all helping Keesha in her quest to have her alliance members vote Jessie out instead of Memphis.

After all the drama, how would the large alliance perform in the PoV competition which followed less than two hours later? Well, it seemed like it motivated them in a good way. They walked away with all the big prizes. Jerry won the Power of Veto, but he's also on slop. April won $10,000 and she shared it with Jerry and Libra. Apparently Libra passed on the letter from home and took a Hawaiian vacation instead. Lucky Michelle won the red unitard for a week and she's not happy. I think that at one point or other in the competition, she had both the money and the vacation. Jessie and Memphis won the letter from home and a slop pass.

So, at this moment, Jerry has promised April that he'd leave the nominations the same. In return, she gave him $4000. She's still determined that Memphis needs to go, but has promised that if Jessie keeps acting out, she'd switch. I swear I don't understand that herd thinking. Once nominations are done, the Head of Household has no power. Why they collectively vote out the choice of that person baffles me. Whatever, though. I guess it works for them. I'm wondering if that will end this week.

Keesha is determined to keep Memphis and April is determined to get him out. If Jessie keeps instigating and stirring the pot, Keesha may prevail. We'll see how this week goes in the Big Brother House. Until next time, catch y'all later.

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