Monday, August 11, 2008

Foul Weekend in the BB10 House

This group has reached obnoxious status. These are some of the foulest, meanest, ugliest houseguests as a group. The two elder statesmen/women are not setting a good example and seem to be trying too hard to fit in. I know it's not a popular opinion, but for me Renny is no better than her little friend Keesha.

And Jerry ... he's just awful. His unreasonable attitude towards Dan is just the icing on the cake. The disrespectful way that he talks to/about the women in that house does not do his Marine garb proud. He refused to wear any of his gear when he turned on Brian, but what he's done since then is much worse. He brings shame to the Corp.

He thinks that he's running the house. When Libra let him keep the POV last week, it seems that he let it go to his head. On quite a few occasions, he's been heard saying that he controls the vote. I'm not sure why he thinks that. He took it as a personal affront when Dan went against his wishes and he's making sure that all know it. He even said last week that he was going to shove Dan's cross up his behind. From listening to the houseguests talk today, he took his venom to a new level at the veto meeting. I haven't heard anyone defend what he said.

Ollie has dropped below rock bottom for me. I never thought too much of his game. Sleeping with his blonde trophy and having sex for the cameras does not a winner make. As a proud, Black woman, when he said to others that women like Libra are why Black men took up with White women, I was totally offended. I have something for you, Ollie. Number one, I don't consider you a man, and number two, the personality you've shown in the house is the reason that you probably can't GET a Black woman worth a darn. And his continuous attacks on Libra's physical features make me like him less and less, although I'm really not sure it's possible for me to like him any less than I do now.

The weekend catfight was awful, but quite amusing to watch. If you missed it, read about it here. The screaming/screeching that went on for hours between April, Libra, Keesha and Michelle was amazing. The accusations flew, the lies piled up, and the name calling continued. I'm not sure if Keesha was really drunk, or if she was putting on an act. While most of us watching the feeds cringed for her, she seems to have won the sympathy of the guys in the house. Of course, she was helped by her sidekick Renny. While the four girls went at each other, Renny was working the guys in Keesha's behalf. As much as Renny bashed Jerry for the past few weeks, she was so stuck up his butt that I'm surprised she was able to extract herself.

I've given up trying to decide who's worse: April, Keesha or Libra. They are all bad. Unfortunately for Libra, she's been chosen as the scapegoat. No matter what goes on in that house, she gets blamed. Did you know that she single-handedly engineered the evictions of every single evicted houseguest? Yeah, she's been bossy and she likes to be in control, but the way she's been demonized isn't cool. She's been attacked verbally on such a personal level that it makes me sick. Keesha and April have the foulest mouths for females. The names they call each other make me want to slap both of them. Calling other females the C word is the vilest epitaph that I can think of.

Michelle is just nuts. She isolated herself with Jesse, and then blasted the girls for her not being in their little club. She is just so jealous that she wasn't invited to take baths with them the past couple of weeks. Yes, imagine me rolling my eyes here. And she's so coarse. She's another one with a foul mouth. Don't these females have ANY home training? If any of them were my daughter, I'd be on that CBS lot right now pulling them out by their ears. Not that my daughter would ever behave like that.

I really feel sorry for Dan. I cannot imagine being stuck in that house with that cast of characters. He's trying so hard to play with some semblance of integrity. The atmosphere is so toxic in there. He lays on the couch, reading his Bible, trying to be invisible. Unfortunately for him, I think his game got screwed by us last week. He's on almost everyone's radar for what they call his suspicious actions. Many of them have accused him of being America's Player. I just hope that he can survive this because he's funny and I enjoy watching him.

Wow, I feel like Negative Nancy, but after this past weekend it's warranted. Can the Big Brother 10 houseguests recover and peacefully co-exist after the nastiness of the past couple of days? Time will tell.

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