Sunday, July 13, 2008

And So Big Brother 10 Begins

Big Brother 10 is finally here. All day I've been waiting for the show to come on, and I wasn't disappointed. At least not in the show. I'm always disappointed at the beginning because the houseguests have been in the house for days, bonding and scheming and we've not been allowed to see it. We only get to see what CBS decides to let us see, and we know how they like to skew editing.

The first few days they all feel each other out, take instant likes and dislikes, and start building alliances. And we miss it! We were shown only a couple of bits of this with Dan and Brian. The alpha males have once again decided to ally. It aggravates me every year and gives me a couple of people to dislike early, ha ha. I don't worry too much, however, as they usually self destruct.

I like Jerry. I think he was dumb to reveal his little strategy to Brian right away, but he seems sweet. Brian probably ran right back to Dan and Ollie, who they decided to allow into their alliance, and to spill those beans. Brian is definitely feeling a little cocky these days. He's got a strong man alliance on the one hand, and he knows Jerry's plan and seems to be trusted by him. His smirk and gloating after the nominations made me roll my eyes.

When was the last time they had a car competition right at the beginning? The time I remember most was in Big Brother 2, when Autumn got so mad at Kent for not getting out of the minivan and allowing her to win. This time Steven got mad at Memphis for not getting out of the car. And they had a choice between a vintage Mustang and Camaro. I thought Jesse was stupid to volunteer to sit out a challenge sight unseen. He got his comeuppance, though. He looked sick when he found out that he couldn't win the car.

This challenge setup reminded me of SkyTrack, the American Gladiators event where the contenders maneuver upside down along a track to get to the finish line. In the Big Brother 10 version, the group split into two teams, all hopped in a VW Bug and maneuvered it upside down along a track. Brought back memories. How many people have you fit into a bug? The winning team got food for the week and the losing team got slop.

I hate slop! I wish they'd go back to Peanut Butter & Jelly, if they insisted on a negative consequence for food. In one of her many interviews leading up to this premiere, Allison Grodner said something about food comps and the negative consequence makes them work for something since they don't have to raise their food or whatever. Puhleeze. Be creative, come up with a house competition where the negative is not getting something. Similar to season 1, have them compete for a certain number of dollars, and they can only get what they afford. Speaking of that, I remember when the season 1 houseguests ran out of toilet paper and the BB Angels from TV Clubhouse drove out there and threw them toilet paper over the wall. Good times, good times.

Disappointingly, the only thing I learned about the women were that April's boobs are real and that Renny's voice and laugh are going to annoy me. That's what happens, I guess, when you try to cram six days of happenings into about 48 minutes. And it looks like I'm not the only person that Renny is annoying. They showed quite a few of the others making comments about her.

The military vet connection between Jerry and Brian was strong for Jerry and I hope it doesn't bite him in the butt. He did get a look on his face when Brian pushed for Dan to not be on the block and seemed to go along with bringing Dan into his alliance. Is he really that gullible or is he playing Brian like Brian thinks he's playing Jerry? I was surprised that only Brian was shown approaching Jerry about nominations. Jerry's explanation for his nominations was spot on, though. I think it kept him from being a target of the person that stays.

Hopefully once the feeds come on, we'll be able to catch who won the Power of Veto. Tuesday night the show will reveal that information along with the Veto Ceremony. Wednesday is the first live eviction show, and it will have a live audience. It's been hinted that we'll have more audience participation this go round, and I can't wait to find out what it is. Did you enjoy the show. Post your thoughts below. Until next time, catch y'all later.

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