Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Brother 10 Jessie Makes His Nominations

An interesting 24 or so hours in the Big Brother 10 house. It took a long time for Jessie to get his Head of Household key and in the meantime, Steven got a dosage of Xanax and was passed out. He slept through the reveal and that seemed to upset Jessie. My understanding was that Steven was the target anyway, so I didn't see what the big deal was.

Last night, the group break out seemed to be Dan, Steven, Angie, Keesha, Renny and Memphis outside, and everyone else except Jerry upstairs. Jerry is kind of in limbo. When he went upstairs, conversation stopped and when he went outside, conversation stopped. I was glad to see Renny find a group to hang out with. She cracks me up.

I guess Brian was the social director because nothing fun happened last night. I hope it was just emotional overload from the eviction and that late nights pick up. People complain about the big group being exclusive, but as soon as anyone else came outside, the chosen group clammed up. They were definitely not inclusive.

Today the house had a food competition. April, Libra, Renny, Keesha, Memphis and Jerry are on slop. We'll see exactly what the competition was on Sunday, I think. April is PMS'ing already and add slop to that? Woo boy, there may be more fireworks between her and Keesha before this week is up.

Jessie also made his nominations today. He really wanted to nominate Renny and Dan and try to backdoor Steven. Someone pointed out to him, though, that if he didn't put Steven on the block ,but he was still chosen to play for the Power of Veto and won, then he could take Dan off the block and they would both be safe. So he nominated Dan and Steven. Steven is the main target, but if he takes himself off, then Dan goes.

Friday is the Power of Veto competition, I think. That may be when the campaigning begins. I really don't know, however, if those two guys will campaign against each other. Hopefully this is just the beginning of an interesting week in the Big Brother 10 house. We'll see. Catch y'all later.

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