Tuesday, July 1, 2008

DeAnna Cuts Another and the Men Tell All on The Bachelorette

I've not been a big DeAnna fan since the beginning. And these last few episodes of The Bachelorette have not made me change my mind. She's really high maintenance and seems to have this Princess complex. Maybe that's a by product of the show, but it's really not an attractive trait. She takes every opportunity to trash Brad and to let us know how much she's not like him, but she is really acting like him.

Take tonight's first hour, for instance. Those guys were basically manipulated into feeding her ego and telling her that they loved her. The smirk she got on her face annoyed me. I had not been a big Jeremy fan, but I got the feeling that he was just so into her. When she kept harping about how 'perfect' he was, I thought that she was trying to convince herself. Doesn't that make her like Brad? He said he kept trying to convince himself that he was in love with DeAnna. Sounds the same to me. She led him on, knowing that she didn't have those feelings because he was 'perfect'.

I love Jason. I don't want her with him. I don't think she's the best thing for him and his little boy. I hope I'm wrong, but I think I will be really ticked off if she picks him and then in a couple of months they are not together. She seemed to have the best time with him with lots of laughter and conversation. And he's ready for commitment.

Jesse, on the other hand, is a free spirit. I think he cares for her, but I don't think he's ready to jump into marriage. I loved the way he punked her with his response to the fantasy suite invitation. That was so funny. Admit it ... he had you, too.

Jeremy broke my heart when he was leaving. He was just so sure of his connection with her. She made him believe in them and then she dumped him. He'll have no trouble finding Miss Right, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see him as the next Bachelor.

Then there was the Men Tell All hour. Ms. DeAnna was quite the beyotch. The guys had her on the defensive and she didn't like it one bit. She was quite surprised that they all weren't still groveling at her feet. She was downright nasty to Ryan, when he had a very legitimate point. She did cut many because she said they were holding back, but Jesse is in the final two and he was a pro at holding back. Heck, he didn't even kiss her until last week.

She and Graham went at it again, too. There is still such chemistry there, but he won't bow to her demands and she couldn't take it. She made a few nasty comments to him, but he took them like a pro and made me laugh with his responses. She took great pleasure in announcing to him, and all the rest of us, that she was happy, in love and engaged. It didn't seem to phase Graham, but it hurt Jeremy all over again.

The guys spent the first little while bashing Jeremy, but even they felt bad for him by the end of that hour. He said that he's still in love with her and didn't know what else he could have done. She did him such a disservice. She knew that she wasn't in love with him and she knew his feelings. She kept him in reserve as a fall back guy just in case she didn't get what she needed from anyone else. To me that makes her worse than Brad. Of course, since she's 'America's Sweetheart', she won't get called on it.

Anyway, next week, she picks her future husband. The previews show both guys down on one knee proposing. There have been spoilers about the end, but I've been trying to avoid them. We'll see how it plays out ...

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