Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tex's Take on the Big Brother 10 Men

You've read my impressions on the Big Brother 10 Women, now here are the guys. Once again, here is the link to the interviews, they're worth listening to.

Brian - Crying gets on his nerves, so do Boston sports fans, he can't even stand the accents. How is he gonna handle Renny? She's not from Boston, but her accent is similar. He said that if he gets bored, he will pull pranks or stir up drama. Well, we know he's going to get bored, so he should entertain us. He's also a big Ohio State fan, so there might be some fireworks between him and Angie.

Dan - I'm not gonna like this guy. He seems very judgmental. He's the one that said that if Hillary had won the presidency, he'd have left the country, and he's not a fan of liberals. There are a few Hillary fans in the house and I hope they put him in his place with a quickness. He also had snarky things to say about vegans and people with tattoos or piercings.

Jerry - I wanted him to be my favorite, I really did. I always go for the underdog and as a 75 year old great grandfather, he definitely is that. He's a big time Big Brother fan and watches the show, the RealPlayer SuperPass feeds, and Big Brother After Dark. My question about him, though, is the scheme he came up with to get to the final 3. Yes, he thinks he's figured out the whole game already. As a fan of the show, he should know that the minute he thinks he has it planned, something or someone will screw it up. His plan has something to do with making an immediate alliance with the first couple of HoHs. Isn't that what Kail tried to do last summer?

Jessie - He claims to be a 'natural' body builder, and a nice body it is. His plan, however, is to attempt to manipulate the other houseguests. He thinks he can do this since his dad was a psychologist. He seems harmless, but says that he's confrontational. I can see him as the workout leader, so he may be around a while, unless he gets confrontational with the wrong people.

Memphis - He's another one that I've taken a dislike to. He's arrogant and cocky. He's not a fan and thinks that his intelligence will win because he's so much smarter than everyone else. Oh, and he's not a bartender, he's a mixologist. Whatever ...

Ollie - I first disliked him. I heard 'Preacher's son' and 'thinks Gays won't go to Heaven' and put him on the bad list. Listening to his interview, though, made me put him back in the middle. He assured us that he wasn't going to be the house goody goody, and I'm thinking that CBS maneuvered him into that not going to Heaven statement. He likes women and says that sex is his kryptonite.

Steven - Finally a non-stereotypical gay man. I know more gay guys like him than like Dustin or Joshua. He says that he's an exhibitionist and that we may see more of him than we probably want to. Apparently all of his underwear was branded and was taken away from him. I really, really hope that Big Brother gets this guy some drawers. His plan is to befriend all the ladies with his gayness and the guys with his macho. When asked about the possibility of homophobic housemates, he replied that they may hate gays, but they're gonna have to live with one.

And those are the new Big Brother 10 guys and my first impressions. Who's your favorite? Comment below. Catch y'all later ...

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