Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's Ahead for Jessie's Reign on Big Brother 10?

It was an exciting few days on the Big Brother 10 Real Player Live Feeds. We had stupid foot-in-mouth comments, the beginning of a showmance, a hilarious puppet show and a chick fight. And we didn't get feeds until late Sunday night! Unfortunately, we also saw cliques and power trips. This cast of houseguests came in playing hard. It seems like they forgot to take time to get to know each other first, or at least let us get to know them first.

I hate that there are distinct groups already. There is the Dan, Angie and Steven gang, which used to include Brian. There is the Libra, April, Ollie gang that sometimes includes Michelle and Keesha. There is the Memphis / Jessie gang, who right now is allied with the gang of five, and then there are Jerry and Renny. Memphis, who I thought I would dislike, is one of the only ones to really socialize with all the groups. Every once in a while, they will all play games together, but for the most part they are separate.

The Dan group came out gangbusters and shot itself in the foot. They are still feeling the repercussions because they targeted Jesse and Memphis early and let everyone else know it. With Jessie winning Head of Household this week, another of their little group may go home. At one point it was going to be Dan and Steven on the block, then I heard that they were going to backdoor one of them. I understand the Dan animosity, but I'm not sure of the Steven hate. I know why I don't like him, but I'm not sure what he's done to boost himself towards the top of the hit list.

I like Angie, but I don't envy her position in the game right now. I, too, have more male friends than female friends and I can't stand the drama that inevitably occurs in a chick clique. In most cases, her hanging out with the guys would be a smart choice for her, but it's gotten her on the outs with the big group. She's calm and level headed and if she can weather this first big storm, and still be around when the big group implodes, she could go far.

I'll miss Brian. Yeah, he was a knucklehead and played his cards too fast, but he was interesting. That group entertained me. The sock puppet show was about 30 minutes of hilarity and the history discussions were fascinating. I never seem to catch those intelligent or fun conversations from the other side. They talk game and that gets old when it just repeats, or silly, girly stuff. There are so many built in sports rivalries in that house and I want to hear some sports arguments. They're whining about being bored already and bored houseguests mean bored viewers.

I'm really apprehensive about this week on the feeds. It could be really, really boring if we have to listen to the different groups bash each other, or it could be fun if someone steps up and does things to bring the groups together. I hope someone there has some imagination to come up with some fun. They have so much sports equipment, they could have Olympics with some adaptation. There have got to be things that they can do to stave off the boredom and I hope they do them.

This week on Big Brother 10, Thursday should be nominations, Friday should be the Power of Veto competition and Sunday or Monday the Veto ceremony. I'm not sure about the Food Competition, but you can be sure that you'll read about it here when and if it happens. Who do you want to see nominated this week? And hey, what do you think about the bubbles we have instead of fish or fire when Big Brother blacks out the feeds? Comment below. Catch y'all later.

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