Monday, July 28, 2008

A Big Brother 10 Weekend Filled With Fun and Frolic ... Not!

Wow. Just Wow. That's how I felt when I caught up on the Big Brother 10 RealPlayer Superpass feeds from the weekend. My daughter obviously picked the wrong weekend to do the family thing. Jessie became more annoying, Keesha stuck to her guns, and Memphis showed a nasty side.

Keesha nominating Jessie and Angie tore up the 'group of 8'. The fact that Jessie tried to harass, threaten and manipulate Keesha into nominating one of her own was ballsy enough, but to continue to annoy the very people voting seems to me the epitome of arrogance. What kills me, though, is that they STILL plan on voting out Angie.

Let me back up a moment. Keesha won the Power of Veto competition and the Jessie, Memphis, Michelle, and Angie group tried everything they could to get her to remove Jessie and replace him with Libra. Now I know a lot of feed watchers don't like Libra, but to me, it would be a major Howie move to put one of your own on the block if you don't have to.

Keesha, though, may be smarter than she looks and acts. She is Head of Household and she just nominated two of the other alliance. But she's still clean as a whistle. That group blames Libra and April for the nominations and still don't have Keesha on their radar. And by broadcasting the fact that they tried to get her to backdoor Libra, she has ensured Libra's loyalty to her, and dispelled any feelings of mistrust in Libra and April. Keesha is sitting pretty right now.

For now, the 'group of 8' has changed to the 'group of 7', or 'Jerriatrics', as Dan called them. Jessie and company were dispatched, but Renny, Jerry and Dan were absorbed. They are all feeling a sense of loyalty and perhaps obligation to Keesha for not nominating them, when they knew they were vulnerable. Right now she is the 'Big Mama' of the house.

The other six in that alliance want to vote out Jessie so badly, but they've all promised Keesha to go with her choice. And she wants Angie out. No matter how badly Jessie acts, she has such a thing against Angie that her decision will not waver. She blames Jessie's misbehavior on Angie somehow, saying that Angie's scheming. She actually thinks that Angie has the boys so wrapped around her finger that Jessie is sacrificing himself for her. That makes absolutely no sense to me, but to Keesha ...

Jessie shows his immaturity more every day. He's seriously suffering from Little Man's Complex. He's picked fights with Libra, Jerry, and Renny. His arrogance knows no end. He went on a rant Sunday about Gays, Jews and the Hollywood power structure. Michelle has been flirting with him for days, but I don't think he realizes it. I wish he'd just 'Make Love, Not War'and shut up. Wait ... I take that back ... no more Big Brother 10 House Sex.

Yes, Ollie and April are still going at it. One night this weekend, though, I think they got busted by Jerry. They've done it with him sleeping in the room before, but this time he was awake. He let them finish and then he said something to them. April tried to play it off by saying that the noise was Ollie snoring, but Jerry called her on that. He hasn't told anyone else, yet, that I've seen, heard or read, but really, it was only a matter of time until they got caught.

The banners are back, too. There was one flown and Angie, Memphis and Libra apparently saw it. Memphis told people that it said "Keesha, Libra lies. Love Steven". Later, though, he said he was joking and someone said it said "We Love Libra". Big Brother got them into the house for an indoor lockdown very quickly and it kept the the others from seeing it. I wouldn't be surprised to see that overhead tarp from either last season or the one before reappear.

Sunday night was a pretty funny night. Renny did her impressions of the other houseguests, and for the most part they were right on and fun. A couple of times, though, they did get pretty malicious. They were still funny, but not in good fun. Then Dan did his impression of Renny. Now that was funny. He had me cracking up! Good stuff, Maynard.

Angie was there for most of it, and Michelle for some. Of course, they couldn't stand the other group having fun so they had to go to the backyard and bash them. They even brought the sock puppets back out. This time, though, it was not funny, at least not to me. They were cruel and ugly and Memphis showed his true colors. I understand that they are not happy that Keesha nominated two of them for eviction. But sometimes people can just be mean.

Anyway, there are four more days until the next Big Brother 10 eviction and the next Head of Household competition. Will this be enough time for Jessie to really tick everyone off so badly that they get Keesha to relent? I guess we'll just have to see. Until next time ...

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