Thursday, July 16, 2009

BB11: Braden or Chima - Who Will It Be?

Hey y'all, what a difference a day makes on Big Brother 11. Yesterday, it was all but over for Braden. There was no question that he was going home. Tonight, however, it's all in the air. What happened here?

First of all, Chima is an idiot. Yes, I know most of them are idiots, but let's talk about Chima for a minute.

Number One: She has not campaigned one iota this week. Yes, I know she thinks she is just the pawn, but really. For a self proclaimed fan, she's not playing smart. You always check in and campaign regardless of what they tell you. You count the votes yourself and work them. Don't depend on anyone for your life. This is an individual game, after all.

Number Two: Two nights before the vote you do NOT go off on a vote that you need. Yes, I agree that not cleaning up after yourself after making a mess on the toilet is nasty. Yes, these are grown folks and they should all clean up the bathroom. However comma it is not smart to keep going on and on about Michele being nasty in the bathroom ... with her sitting right there. And to keep verbally abusing your own clique-mate is not good play.

Then there's Braden. He is playing well right now. He's played it cool, after going off on Lydia and Kevin the other day. He's gone back and apologized to Kevin, although I don't know if it helped. Don't get me wrong, I think he was a jerk and he's still douchebag of the week, but he's playing it smart. He's quietly gone to people not in the jock alliance and lined up votes to stay. He's had his buddy Jordan campaigning for him, too. Will it work? I honestly don't know.

Why don't I know? Basically because some of them are playing both ends against the middle. Tomorrow night after the vote looks like it will be explosive. There are people telling both groups right now that they have their vote. The two groups right now are the jocks, minus Jeff, plus Chima and Lydia and then the Jordan/Jeff/Braden group.

The jocks have played this stupidly. They had an alliance with the brains, but they pissed it away. They also had an alliance going with Laura. They were so self absorbed, that they didn't even try to keep their alliance members satisfied. Laura was pretty pathetic in just wanting to be accepted, but they neglected to do that, and Jordan was able to move in and scoop her up, the same with Michele. Now it looks like those two votes will go for Braden to stay.

I see the vote going 4-4 right now, but I don't know about Casey or Ronnie. Both of them are playing nice with both groups and telling both groups that they have their vote. Casey and Ronnie told each other that they are voting for Braden to stay, but right after, Ronnie went running up to Jesse. Casey does not like Chima, but he, too, seems to have this thing going with Jesse.

And what about this Casey/Jesse relationship? There are videos out there with Casey and Jesse being in the same venues, participating in the same bikini contests down in Florida. We didn't have the feeds the first few days they were in the house, so we don't know if they discussed this.

Anyway, y'all, this has been quite the entertaining week in the house. Two defined groups in the house already, with your floaters and ego on both sides. Lots of people out there are so in love with Jeff that they overlook the fact that he's really no better than Jesse and Russell that they love to diss. He has an ego if you listen to him, and he's also on video making very negative discriminatory comments. But then, none of them are angels. They've all overplayed this week.

Braden or Chima, which houseguest will still be in the Big Brother 11 house this time Thursday night? Comment below and tune in to find out ...

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