Friday, July 31, 2009

BB11: Hangin' in There

Hey y'all, the Banana Man is gone, but will the next Head of Household end up with egg on his or her face? Hey, it's possible. For once, CBS teases of a potential game changer was right on the money.

As expected, the cliques are no more. I think we all had that part. I admit that I didn't think Big Brother had it in them. When they said game changer, I figured it was another exaggeration. Part two of their big message was the return of the Coup D'Etat.

America's Choice for the Coup winner can negate one or both of the nominees at one of the next two evictions. Only safe people are the Head of Household and the Power of Veto holder. The week of strategizing and demonizing could be for naught ... and I love it.

Someone, like Jordan, who will never win a competition on her own, could end up with major power. You know how some people like to show their arses once the veto ceremony is over, figuring that they are safe for the week? Psych! Up and out in less than an hour on Thursday.

Jessie is still whining about America's Player getting him evicted in week 4 last season. Well, guess what ... it could happen again. Ha! Yeah, in week 4, if Jeff or Jordan hold the Coup D'Etat and Jessie doesn't have the PoV, they could put him up and he get evicted by America's Choice. That would be so evil ... bwah haha.

At the end of tonight's live eviction show, the first live endurance Head of Household competition was begun. I bet you want to know who wins, don't ya? Well, here are the results so far ...

When the feeds came back on over 30 minutes after the show, Lydia and Kevin were already out. Ronnie dropped shortly after that and after another short blackout, Natalie was sitting in the bleachers. Unofficially, Kevin won the $5000

7:20 BBT and the only ones left are Russell, Chima, Michele, Jeff and Jordan.

7:27 BBT Jordan Drops

8:00 BBT Russell, Chima, Jeff and Michele still hangin' in there

8:11 BBT After taking a heck of a lickin' from that diploma, Chima is down

8:33 BBT Feeds come back and Russell and Jeff are left

Jordan gets to pick the Have Nots for next week and Ronnie has figured out the twist.

9:00 BBT Both guys are hanging in there ... don't really trust each other enough to deal.

Guys hanging tough. They're getting smacked all to heck with that diploma. Still no deal. Russell wants a letter from his pops and Jeff doesn't trust Jessie's influence.

9:25 BBT Jeff drops and Russell is the new HoH

Jeff congratulates Russell after dropping off, with a safety ... on Twitpic

Jordan drew names for Have Nots and they are Natalie, Kevin and Jessie

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