Friday, July 17, 2009

BB11: Ronnie Really Holds the Power Now

Hey y'all, what a show, huh? Big Brother 11 had to have it's drama, didn't it? HamsterDame wrote in her last post that Ronnie had the power, and she wasn't kidding. Not only did his vote for Braden to leave tie it up, but then he came right back and won the Head of Household. Must be a dream come true for such a Big Brother fan.

The problem for him is that now he's going to have to make some hard choices. I don't know how he's gonna keep straddling that fence. He's playing so hard, I'm kind of expecting him to spontaneously combust at any moment. I know he voted with Team Jock this time, but I still don't know whose team he's really on, if any. Ronnie is playing for Ronnie, which is what he's supposed to do, but sheesh dude.

I've been sitting here watching the feeds since the show, trying to figure out an angle for this post. I don't care for either side. Natalie is too loud and abrasive, and so is Chima, but I don't like Jordan either. I think she's fake and the fact that she thinks it's perfectly alright to indiscriminately use the terms 'gay' and 'fag' is very offensive to me. I cheered Michele tonight when she told Jordan that it offended her. To sit there and talk about how she's too nice for those people and the show and then turn around and use those terms just makes me want to puke. And I hate the fact that every year, you have your houseguests dividing into what they call the 'good' people and the 'evil' people.

I just don't know what to make of these people. They have to live with each other 24/7. I would think that they'd at least try to get along. But they don't. And they don't care. It has to be so tiring to be so miserable all day every day. I can see not trusting anyone, but you can at least be civil, I would think. You would also think that after 10 seasons, I should be used to asinine behaviour from the houseguests, lol.

Tonight the house is split into factions along the vote line with Ronnie still trying to play monkey in the middle. He is insisting to Team Jeff that he was not the rat. Not only that, he's insisting that it's either Casey or Michele. I don't think they believe him, but what can they do at this point? He has insisted to them that if he finds out who the rat is, he'll put them on the block. Is this setting up a Casey nomination?

You've noticed that I haven't written a word about Chima's speech. I can't believe she did it. Nothing she said was a lie, but still ... I was appalled when I found out that she said something about Braden calling Julie a whore. She had the truth on her side, but not the right. After hearing Jeff say something last night about since they were able to keep someone who makes racial comments in the house, then they could keep anyone in the house, I laughed a little when I realized that Chima was calling them out on keeping a misogynist and a bigot in the house. I didn't feel sorry for Braden, but I felt sorry for Julie. She didn't deserve that. I'm sure, though, that the CBS show only folks were confused because they made a point of whitewashing Braden's rant against Lydia and Kevin, and they didn't show anything of the games when he said that about Julie. In case you missed her rant, CBS posted the video here.

So who do I think Ronnie will nominate? I'm not sure. I'm thinking that Casey will go up, and he's mentioned putting up Laura, too. At one point I heard Kevin's named thrown into the mix, too. I haven't heard him mention any names to Team Jeff, other than the 'rat', but he can't nominate himself. But we've seen how the Big Brother house turns on a dime. The only people safe are Ronnie, Chima and Michele. Who do you think he'll nominate? Who do you think he should nominate? Comment below.

Update: Okay Team Jock (basically Jesse, Natalie, Chima, Lydia and maybe Ronnie) just named themselves NBK, for Natural Born Killers, meaning no silicone, no steroids, all natural. They have a handshake and something they do after winning. Haven't they figured out that the minute you name yourself you become losers? I'm rolling my eyes here ... later, y'all.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Trying to catch up after being out of town...

NBK?! ::throws up in mouth::