Saturday, July 11, 2009

BB11: A Wild and Wooly First 24 Hours of Feeds

Hey y'all, it's been a very busy 24+ hours in Big Brother 11 Land since the feeds were turned on. We've gotten to learn a bit more about the houseguests, some a little too much more, and we've seen alliances begun. We also learned that Team Brain were the first occupants of the 'Jail Room', the room with the pallets on the metal flooring.

Jesse, the first Head of Household nominated the first two houseguests for eviction and the first Power of Veto (PoV) competition was held. So did Jesse target one clique or did he share the wealth? Are the Populars and the Athletes together, as it usually happens in high school, or are they more individual than collective?

When the RealPlayer SuperPass feeds were turned on, and Big Brother After Dark (BBAD) came on it quickly became apparent that Jesse nominated Lydia and Chima. It seemed that Chima was pretty calm about it, but Lydia started working it. She went from sexpot, to cry baby, to hardcore gamer in a matter of less than an hour. She must have worked every male in that house. It was quite interesting to see that she and Jordan had changed into lingerie right before BBAD came on. And yes, there were some remarks about it. I originally thought Laura would be the trampy one, but it seems like Lydia and Jordan want that crown.

It's very early in the week, but the house seems to be almost even in the choice of who to evict and who to keep. But then again, it depends on who they talk to. The only ones I'm 'almost' sure of are Natalie and Team Brain to keep Chima, and Jordan and Team Outcast to keep Lydia. It would be stupid, I would think, to vote against someone in your own clique if there were anyone else available to vote out. Jesse promised to keep Chima if it were a tie vote, but that's subject to change, too. Especially if Lydia keeps up what she calls 'Operation Sexpot'. She was all over him last night. She gave him tears, she kissed up to his greatness, played the pitiful poor me card, etc. She worked it. And it did seem as if it were working. You know how meatheads love to be adored. She pulled the same thing with the other meathead in the house, Russell, but to a lesser extent (at least that we know of).

Natalie promised Chima that she was safe, and she is seeming to be content with that for some reason. Or maybe she's waiting until closer to the day. Natalie has been a big disappointment. I originally called her manipulative, then I softened to her after hearing her interviews, but now I just think she's not too smart. For someone who supposedly is such a big fan, she's going about this all wrong. First she told stupid lies then she became almost unbearably arrogant. She is the BB11 version of BB10 Michelle to Jesse, only she's not as sociable.

Douchebag of the week, though, goes to Casey. Why, you ask? This morning he was talking to fellow Outcast Lydia and he told her that the only way Chima would stay in the house is if it was 'White Guilt'. Yeah, he was the first to play a race card. He went on about if she stayed it would be similar to Obama winning. I want to slap him. He undid all the relatively benign feelings I had for him.

And last night, I was feeling benign towards him. He did a great job emceeing the BB11 Beauty Pageant. That was so fun to watch, and very enlightening. Little Miss Dr. Michele showed us a whole nother side. She strutted her stuff in that bikini, and she did it well. She's such a little cutie. I think she's my favorite right now (and I hope that wasn't the kiss of death for her). I honestly think that she could go far in this game. She's personable and seems to fit in with everyone, at least so far.

The nominations, though, mean nothing until after the Power of Veto competition and/or meeting. Jesse, Chima and Lydia played along with Russell, Jeff and Natalie. Weird how the entire Team Athlete got to play and it was meaningless for them. So it ended up being a 2/3 chance that the nominations would stay the same. Allison Grodner teased us via twitter that this PoV competition could change the 'complexion' of the house. Of course, we probably won't see it until Tuesday. We do, however, know that Russell won the competition. And something else we know is that something happened during the competition between Jeff and Russell because about 2 hours later, Jeff was STILL bitching about Russell. And Lydia is stirring the pot.

Seriously, though, there are about 5 days until the first eviction of Big Brother 11 and already it seems as though I've been watching these people forever. They're playing too hard, too quick. And there's already talk of the "Good People" vs. the "Evil People". The house is already being divided and that makes for a long season ... and that's too bad


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