Monday, July 13, 2009

BB11: 'Fight For Your Right'

Woohee! Hey y'all, it was a pretty explosive early afternoon in the Big Brother 11 house. Think of the Jeff/Russell/Natalie bruhaha as a prelude. Things have been brewing since then, I think, and this afternoon was a boil point. Notice I said 'a' boil point and not 'the' boil point. In keeping with the high school theme, it seems that they casted a bunch of hormonal immature personalities.

Round 1: Braden vs. Lydia/Kevin

This one's been brewing since the Veto meeting when Braden replaced Lydia on the chopping block. Braden blames Lydia for his nomination and let her know in no uncertain terms. While that is not necessarily a bad thing, the language he used was a bad thing. He threw around derogatory and/or racial slurs like they were oh so normal. Yes, Braden took over the Douchebag slot from Casey. Go check out the RealPlayer SuperPass Flashback at around 12:45 ish BBT today to watch this mess.

Round 2: Jordan vs. Lydia

I call this one the Battle of the Blondes. This was a typical non-physical high school girl catfight and my daughter and I cracked up watching it. 'I didn't do anything to you', 'but I tried to talk to you',' but I thought you were my friend' ... yeah, you know what I mean. It was really pretty funny. It comes not too long after the first round, so just keep the Flashback running.

And this was in a couple of hours, y'all. If you don't have the feeds, then you need to click on the link now and get them!

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