Sunday, July 26, 2009

BB11: Jessie's Dilemma

Mr. Pec-Tacular finds himself in a bit of a pickle this week on Big Brother 11. He pretty much has an alliance of some sort with everyone in the house and he's Head of Household. Last Monday it seemed that this week's HoH would have a very easy week, but in true Big Brother style, the tide turned.

Ronnie had such a mucked up reign, he'd be the logical choice for eviction, and if he got nominated he still would be. But that's the rub. Ronnie lucked out when Jessie won HoH. Other than his Team Brain clique, that was his best chance of surviving this week. He must have been sweating when it came to a tie between Jessie and Jeff. He'd for sure be on the block if Jeff was HoH.

With Jessie, though, it looks like he'll be safe. Because of their alliance, Jessie has told Ronnie that he'd not be nominated. This may or may not come back to bite Jessie in the butt. Last week the entire house came to a consensus that Ronnie'd be up and gone. Jessie's decision not to put him up will for sure anger the Jeff, Jordan and Casey coalition.

Jessie's original nominees were Jordan and Michele. Everyone was pretty cool at first because they still thought that after the veto competition, Jessie would 'do the right thing'. When names were drawn to participate in the veto competition today, there were some happy faces because Ronnie was not picked to play. It also caused some consternation because Casey commented that certain people didn't seem happy enough that Ronnie wasn't chosen.

I hate that we don't get to see the competitions on the feeds. We get trivia for hours, and CBS condenses it to perhaps 10 minutes. This one in particular sounds fascinating. It was messy and had prizes. Jessie won $2500, Casey won a margarita party for the house and a banana suit and Michele won the PoV. What's this banana suit, you ask? I guess it was supposed to be this year's version of the red unitard. Lucky for Casey, it's not a full body catsuit. It basically just fits on and over his top part.

Michele winning puts another decision onto Jessie. Who will he put up in his place? His choices are basically Ronnie, Chima, Kevin, Lydia and Casey. I, personally, would like him to nominate Lydia, but after last night that probably won't happen. Once again, Ms. Lydia attempts to use sex to ensure her safety. The last time she only gave Jessie a handjob, but last night they went all the way. Was it coincidence that she did this just hours after proclaiming to Kevin that she uses sex as a weapon? I have one word for her ... whore.

But anyway, Team Jessie (minus Kevin and Lydia) thinks that Casey will be nominated on Monday and Team Jeff (plus Kevin and Lydia) think that Ronnie will be going up on the block. Which will Jessie choose? Or will he go totally off the grid and nominate someone different? After all, in Big Brother time, it's a long time from now until Monday afternoon.

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