Friday, July 24, 2009

BB11: Club Jessie - Part Two

Hey y'all. What a week this has been on Big Brother 11. Ronnie sure had a memorable reign, and I'd venture a guess that it was probably among the worst, if not the worst reign. He started his week being cocky as all get out and ended the week whimpering in his Head of Household room. The puppetmaster made one too many moves.

He's not done, though. As badly as it looked for him on Monday, he will probably be around a while. It looks as though he has an alliance with Jessie, Russell, and Natalie and he has his clique with Chima and Michele. As badly as Russell treated him, and in spite of how it was shown on the CBS show, Russell snuck Ronnie food and entered into an unholy alliance. Of course, we don't really know how genuine either of them were when they made it. They are all liars, and darned entertaining about it. If nominated, though, Ronnie may very well have the votes to stay. This game is crazy.

And his chances look even better now that Jessie has won the HoH competition. I was really surprised that the offbeats did so badly. They were up late practicing last night. But, oh well. The Athletes are safe again and the populars are down to one. I thought that the producers might have produced a twist this week because the populars turned out to be not so popular.

This may end up being another crazy week. The majority of the house thinks that the target is Ronnie, but Jessie and his main core group aren't on that page of the book. They've all talked about backdooring Ronnie, so he might have some peace until the veto competition is over. After that, though, all bets are off if Ronnie does not win the PoV. They will all expect it to be used and Ronnie put in as a replacement nominee. I don't know how Jessie will play that off with all the different little factions that he has going on.

He has the clique thing going on, the Athlete/Brain thing, he has the Lydia thing (and where Lydia goes, it seems that Kevin and usually Chima will follow), he has a side deal going with Casey, and a different one with Jeff and Jordan. I think that's the entire house!

Right now, the only houseguests that have even talked about putting Jessie on the block are Laura, who is gone, and Russell. And Russell can't put him up because they are in the same clique. This might change after the PoV meeting if he has the opportunity to put Ronnie on the block and doesn't. Is it worth the chance to him? How valuable is Ronnie to Jessie's game Those are some questions that are facing Jessie this week.

So who will Jessie nominate? Russell and Natalie both wanted Casey up at one point, and they all seem to want Michele up for some reason. Jessie, though, has that secret late night alliance thing going with Casey, so it would not surprise me if he was safe. If that is the case, who will he put up? He can't put up Jeff, and that leaves Jordan as the only other person from the other side of the house.

Here's to another wild week on Big Brother 11. Right now it seems as if they're all getting along and having fun (except Ronnie), but you just know it won't last. Do y'all have your feeds yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Try them for free by clicking here. Once you have them, if you miss something overnight, check out this thread on for times and cams of Flashback worthy moments. Who do you think Jessie will nominate this week? What will the repercussions be? I'm interested in reading your thoughts so comment below.

1 comment:

djgirl said...

Hey Ladytex! Great blog - I'm glad that Hermi posted the link for me! I've already tagged it as a favourite and will check it out weekly! xo