Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!

One day left until Big Brother 11 and I'm ready. Reformatted the hard drive on my computer this past weekend and installed fresh new copies of my essential software, made sure the feeds were working, stocked the fridge, and warned the family. I even took some vacation time beginning Friday to immerse myself in this experience.

One new avenue I'm exploring this season is Twitter. I've had it for a while, but I've not experienced Big Brother with it. The season has not even started and I'm already enjoying it. I'm not talking about the repetitive spam to retweet this and that or to visit their sites or to try to get big brother as one of the top topics. I'm talking about the tweets that contain real information.

In addition to the information that you might get from me about new articles here, or from Chelsia and MissyZ tweeting about new or fun stuff with RealPlayer Superpass, or the ladies at BBDish, this year Big Brother itself is tweeting. The producers have a twitter site, the HoH (Head of Household) will be tweeting, and Allison Grodner herself has a twitter account.

The past couple of days they've been feeding us information that has just whetted my appetite and made me whinier that we don't have feeds yet.

From @agrodner22 today
We can already crown the sorest loser on BB...and it is only day 3! about 3 hours ago
Exclusive announcement from the "Chenbot" tonight on Ferguson!

from Big Brother HOH
Following the Premiere Show on Thursday July 9, check in for tweets from the Big Brother HOH!

From Big Brother Scoop
Ronnie claims that after 3 days in, he's already lost 4 lbs!
A MAJOR tantrum at the BB house last night!!

Lydia is rocking her gold pants right now!
Major surprise in the Big Brother house tonight. Hope the HGs are ready!!
He's been out in the sun so long, he's starting to burn!
In memory of MJ, houseguests are out of bed and performing Thriller!!

I never thought that she would fit in THAT clique...but she totally does!
Seriously!? Less than 24 hours in the BB house and alliances are already forming!

We are missing some good stuff! It looks like this year there will be more openness and more information flowing. Are you ready for this? I am!

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