Saturday, July 18, 2009

BB11: Ronnie's Big Weekend

Hey y'all, very interesting weekend thus far in the Big Brother 11 house. After Ronnie won the Head of Household competition on Thursday, the hamsters started scurrying. Which side of the fence would Ronnie fall on or would he still try to straddle the fence? He met with everyone and their grandmas that night and generally held court. He stayed busy trying to convince Team Jeff that he was not the hinky vote and was still on their side.

Laura showed that she actually had a brain in addition to those boobs. She figured out what Ronnie was doing and tried to convince her teammates of the same. For the most part they believed her, but it didn't do any good. Besides that, I'm sure they had another rat in the henhouse. I'm convinced that Casey is working with Jesse and as time goes on nothing has changed my mind.

Team Jesse (or Natalie) has this serious hate on for Laura and it was pretty much a given that they'd convince Ronnie to put her up. Maybe they do realize that she's not dumb and she has them figured out. She pretty much does. Too bad that she has no power right now.

That team is just so content right now to let Jesse/Natalie run the game. If they're not careful, they'll run right to the end. They are considered bullies, but they have such control, that I seriously think that Laura would be the only one to put them on the block. The mind control is amazing. They have their own team in check and also have deals going with Casey and Jeff. I just shake my head.

Friday they had their Have/Have Not competition, with special guest Big Brother 10 winner, Dan. From what the houseguests have let out, many of them showed their behinds. Sounds like casting really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this crew. There must have been more than one part to this because in addition to one clique losing and having to live in the jail room with no hot water and slop, Casey and Chima (who are not even in the same clique) won a movie. I was not surprised to find out that the Populars lost the comp, with Jordan and Laura, they are the weakest clique.

Almost as an afterthought, Ronnie nominated Laura and Jeff. Jeff pretty much told Ronnie to nominate him, so that he'd at least get to play in the PoV competition and that was the out that Ronnie needed. He's still trying to pretend that he's not totally in Jesse's pocket. He also gave them some story about trying to backdoor Russell. Ronnie hates Casey and there is only one reason why he would not put him up ... Jesse.

Speaking of Russell, I don't know what to make of him right now. He's running scared because I think he realizes that he's not part of the Jesse/Natalie inner circle. Last night he hung out with Team Jeff and Natalie got her panties all in a wad. He must be a traitor since he dares to speak and hang out with the others. That's all she needed to try to convince Jesse that they needed to try to get him out. It didn't help that he went off on Lydia. He was talking to Natalie and Lydia butted in with a smartass comment. He went off on her saying that it's not always all about her. She then went crying to the diary room and she, Chima and Kevin concocted this scheme to try to convince the Diary Room that Russell was a physical threat and they were afraid for their safety.

Today was the Power of Veto competition. In addition to Ronnie, Laura and Jeff, Natalie, Russell and Casey also played. After another marathon session of Big Brother Trivia, we found out that Jeff won the PoV. So now the rest of the weekend should be busy in the Big Brother house. Everyone will be trying to convince Ronnie to put up their choice. At one point, it was going to be Russell and Jeff, Jordan and Lydia are working hard to convince Ronnie to do exactly that. Jeff and Jordan might really have the votes to keep Laura, especially after last night. Lydia will deliver her vote along with Kevin and Chima's and then there will be Jeff and Jordan. Team Jeff will have survived another week without even being in power.

Who do you think Ronnie will name in Jeff's place? Who do you think he should name in his place? I look forward to reading your comments below. If you don't have the feeds yet, this would probably be a good time to give them a try. Just click here and start your free trial.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Ahhhh! I love your recaps. I missed several episodes and don't have the live feeds so thank you for your witty blogs!

Ronnie is so weaselly. I'm so glad Laura is proving to be more than boobs. Wonder who will go tomorrow night...